I use Beautiful Scholarship to make our collective liberation irresistible.

Beautiful Scholarship is how I have found pleasurable alignment with my values of living at the intersection of scholarship, social justice, and making art! It is what has helped me thrive while finishing my PhD. It is how I connect people, ideas, and movements with my zines, visual theory maps, graphic note-taking, and most importantly, in my approach to the life of the mind. It is at its essence an embodied study method to remind people of the beauty within us, and of the importance of beauty in our study & organizing for collective liberation.

SO, are you ready to re-member that YOU are beautiful, that LIFE is beautiful, and that these rememberings can come to you within the process of BEAUTIFUL SCHOLARSHIP? If the answer is “YES,” keep reading!

Quick: Think back to a time when you were learning or researching something and it made your whole body come alive. When it made you look at yourself and proclaim: “hot damn, if my body is capable of experiencing such aliveness in the world, I must be magic!”   

Or maybe that’s never been your experience.  Or perhaps you’ve only had a small handful of experiences like that.  Other times, maybe you’ve felt motionless; stuck in your chair; under fluorescent lights; trapped by 4 white walls; imposter syndrome; like you were the one stupid student (or the one student who actually seemed to care!); the only one who felt like what you were being taught was a waste of breath; like the clock seemed to be going in reverse; like your voice got contaminated with cement; like your creativity and love for learning was rushing away through the drain of boredom never to be found in your body or life again. 

*take a deep breath*

You are beautiful.  And the life of the mind can (and should!) be pleasurable. How else could we live out our unique and sacred gifts in the world?


Ready to apply Beautiful Scholarship to your offerings?
